The APIs call for identifier types, subtypes, and qualifiers. The identifier type is a logical construct used in the specification of the query being expressed. The subtype is a physical construct that links the identifier type to the qualifier types.
Subtype Definition 12.0 License Key 40
The field keys and measurement names require a specific, explicit identifier type.
Field Key 10.0 License Key 31
The retention policy names require a specific, explicit identifier type.
Retention Policy Name 7.0 License Key 32
The subscription name requires a specific, explicit identifier type.
Subscription Name 5.0 License Key 29
The tag keys and tag value pairs require a specific, explicit identifier type.
Tag Key 7.0 License Key 31
Tag Value 9.0 License Key 32
The All SQL standard requires the source identifier to be an alias. A source identifier is a logical construct used in specifying the physical source of a statement (statement source). The source identifiers are used to associate the statement source with the result set being generated. For example, an `EXEC SQL SELECT * FROM table WHERE column ='stringValue'` statement produces a result set of rows. The identifier types that can be used as the statement source include the following.
Statement Source Type 12.0 License Key 39
The All SQL standard also requires the logical identifier to be an alias. A logical identifier is a logical construct used in specifying the relation between the logical parts of the database query. The logical identifier types are used to associate the logical parts of the query with the logical results. The logical identifiers can include the following.
Logical Identifier Type 8.0 License Key 31
The logical identifier defined in the All SQL standard allows for the SQL
keyword to be used in place of an identifier name.
Logical Identifier Type 6.0 License Key 33
The All SQL standard mandates that a logical identifier be qualified using the identifier type.
Logical Identifier Qualified Type 8.0 License Key 31
The All SQL standard also mandates that a logical identifier be qualified using the qualifier types.
Logical Identifier Qualified Subtype 7.0 License Key 32
The All SQL standard also mandates that the logical identifier be qualified using the identifier type and the qualifier types.
Logical Identifier Qualified Subtype Type 7.0 License Key 32
The All SQL standard also mandates that the logical identifier be qualified using the qualifier types 01e38acffe
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